Tomorrow both Jim and I are back to work, so I thought I would take a few moments and remember this Christmas that is now in the past.
After the party we packed up the kids (well I packed up the kids, while Jim snuck around the city "doing something") and headed to church. The Christmas Eve service is always such a blessing. A time to celebrate Jesus' birthday. After church we headed over to Dragon Fort (a very yummy Chinese restaurant and one of the only places open on Christmas Eve) for our annual tradition of eating out on Christmas Eve. This year Jim's entire family decided to join us, even his dad and brother, who had been in emergency earlier that day made it out. (Why emergency, Jims dad was quite dizzy, the diagnosed him with Crystals in the inner ear). We ate, then drove around a little, headed home and put the kiddos to bed. Jim and I then got to play Santa and arrange our presents under the tree.
The next day we had some friends over for lunch. We only see them about once or twice a year since they moved to Gibsons so we squeezed them in when we could while they were here. It was a lovely lunch, we had leftover Potatoes and some turkey :) The were here for a few hours then we had to pack up the van again to head over to another house for a Lasagna dinner. This is an annual tradition at the Benjamin house. We got to hang out with some friends and Gabby and Judah's gramma and grampa Benjamin. They got spoiled yet again! It was another late night for the kids, but Gabby was pleasant and Judah was nicely medicated on Tylenol and Ibuprofen.
The following day we packed up the kids at 10am to head into Vancouver. We were going to meet my family at the Aquarium then go to the Stanley Park train. Judah was running on NO sleep all day! He refused to sleep all day. So on top of his grumpy grumpy teething pants he was over tired! Gabby was so much fun at the aquarium. Judah just loved to be parked in front of the really big tanks and watch the fish. We then headed to the train...Judah finally fell asleep about 15 minutes before we boarded the train so he had a little power nap and was more pleasant after. We were invited to go back to my Aunts house for a late dinner but our children were DONE!
The next morning we woke up to a very sick Gabby, she had caught a stomach bug. Judah now on top of being teething fusy he has a bad cold as well. YAY! So this was our first day to relax so that is what we did. Jim had a little work to do but me and the kids relaxed. Gabby puked all day, pooped all day and Judah cried... the following day...pretty much the same...more puke, more poop and more screaming...Judah had now caught the stomach bug too.
Then we got to New Years Eve. Well we were going to just stay home and relax. Jim and I put the kids to bed, ordered Chinese Food, drank some wine, ate some chocolate and went to bed...asleep by 10:30 :) It was the best way to spend New Years!
Then comes New Years Day, we took it easy, went for lunch with Jims dad and well this started our THREE trips to IKEA! Another post to come soon about IKEA!
With all that said, I am very excited about 2011. Some prayer requests for the coming year are
1. Jims dad - for healing and/or peace for him as well as knowledge for the doctors
2. Jims Uncle Bernie - he is suffering with a form of anemia (I think so anyways) that attacks Bone Marrow
3. church - direction for our Pastors
4. our Pastorate - this is our bible study (just that everyone can learn exactly what we should)
5. our family of 4 - that we can continue to teach our children about God and the love that he has for them AND that Jim and I can make date nights a priority
6. our businesses - that both Jim and I can run our businesses in a way that honours God and that we can be good stewards of our money
If you have anything that you would like to add to the list, let me know :)
Patti, Jim, Gabby & Judah
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